ISSN : 2319-7323


Open Access


Title : EPICS and MDSplus integration for ICRH data acquisition system
Authors : Ramesh Joshi, Manoj Singh, Kiran Trivedi
Keywords : ICRH, EPICS, DAC, CA, MDSPlus
Issue Date : September 2013
Abstract : Channel Archiver is a generic periodic sampling toolset for EPICS. Using the EPICS Channel Access (CA) network protocol, it can collect real-time data from any CA server on the network. Ion Cyclotron Resonance Heating (ICRH) Data Acquisition and Control (DAC) system uses the Experimental Physics and Industrial Control System (EPICS) and MDSplus software packages. In, two fundamentally different modes of archiving were discussed: Periodic sampling for historical data logging as opposed to taking a snapshot of data across many channels at a specific point in time for saving and restoring operational set points. The Channel Archiver provides direct data interface between EPICS process variables and MDSplus nodes. Separately, an XML-RPC client was written to access EPICS ‘trended’ data, sampled usually once per millisecond. The client extracts and writes an experiments data worth of trended data to required time with (Modal data system) MDSplus tree. The Channel Archiver acts as a Channel Access Client and stores recorded data, acquired via periodic scan or monitored, into indexed binary files. This paper will discuss the conceptual integration of EPICS and MDSPlus database integration for ICRH data acquisition system.
Page(s) : 247-250
ISSN : 2319-7323
Source : Vol. 2, No.5