ISSN : 2319-7323


Open Access


Title : Estimating Social Effects for Centralized versus Decentralized Software Systems
Authors : El Mehdi Stouti
Keywords : ISD impact modeling; privacy risks; Monte Carlo method; social effects estimation; centralised and decentralised systems
Issue Date : Mar-Apr 2018
Abstract : Information system development is a result of a complex mix of forces that are controlled by technological issues as well as social, organizational and economic issues. Starting from the need to compare the long term effect of the centralized and decentralized systems and more particularly, the utility of the swarm executable choreographies, the present paper comes up with a method of analyzing the effects which the information system may have over society. Our analysis is not meant to predict some precise values over some indicators but rather to predict the value of some comparative measures among indicators. The events taken into account will be the Black Swan events and sequences of complex events whose effects are difficult to be estimated without software methods.
Page(s) : 54-62
ISSN : 2319-7323
Source : Vol. 7, No. 2